Monday, March 22, 2010

Creative Education

Working with APICS education as I have for many years and exclusively for the last ten years, I have come to learn and experience all sorts of value added activities as well as some not so “value added”. Since my focus has been on “in house”, I will limit my comments to that mode of delivery.
Basically, the success of in house educational efforts, in my opinion, are based on several critical factors. These would be :
· Management support,
· student selection,
· venue,
· and the percent of “application discussion” time or “How does this apply here?”

You might say this is intuitive, but the results may surprise you. Here are my observations for each of these areas. Perhaps they may be of benefit to you in selecting and/or organizing classes.

· Management Support Observations:
o Respect the scheduled training time and encourage participation (minimal rescheduling)
o On site is better than off site.
o Encourage/require course completion and certification testing
o Split class time between normal work time and student personal time
o Reward success with recognition

· Student Selection:
o The more variety of functional areas involved, the more successful the group will be.
o Class size (e.g. from 2 to 20) does not influence success.
o Give students the option to recover from a missed class
o Encourage students to offer example from past experience.

On site better than offsite
If applicable, lunch permitted during training
Ten minute break every hour ( utilization)
“U” seating arrangement
Lots of examples
2 to 3 hrs per session maximum

Application Discussion Time:
Host company environment is a dynamic case study. Always relate topic to the current environment, as applicable.*
Use positions present to reinforce cross functional effect of topic on the business.
Application discussion is not in the text, it is spontaneously generate by the students or planted by myself as the instructor.
A real application is 10 times more likely to be remembered and used in the company.

Without a doubt, the best example of this was in a small company involved in CPIM training where IT, Purchasing, Production Scheduling and Customer Service were in the class. We spent at least 50% of our total time on application discussions. Sometimes they were heated, but always results oriented.

Hopefully this can be of assistance to any company, student, or trainer in promoting successful (APICS) operations and supply chain training.


Ronald K Althaus CFPIM,CIRM,CSCP,C.P.M.

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